art napping

採訪:Kitty & Shirky (HKAS Alumni Network)

特別鳴謝:MC(HKAS Alumni Network), 校友Ramond及拍攝團隊

第一個受訪藝術團體 Art_Napping 是由我們2018年畢業的同學仔Rita、西瓜(Janet)、Kacey及Hei所創辦,她們相識於藝術高級文憑課程,更是修讀藝術文學士課程時影形不離的同窗。畢業後,他們自立門戶創立了一間壁畫公司,除了為社區添置色彩,更是她們於藝術學院建立的友誼的延續。​

In our first episode, we have members of Art Napping, an art organization founded by our alumna Rita, Janet, Kacey and Hei who graduated from HKAS in 2018. They met each other in Higher Diploma in Fine Art programme and became close-knit friends throughout their studies in the Bachelor of Arts(Fine Art) programme. After graduation, they established a mural company, which blooms the community with vivid colours. The company, is of course, also a milestone of their long-lasting friendship.​