Connie Lo 盧可兒

採訪: Apple / Peony

攝影: Calis

上星期(6月20日) 校友會成員去到藝術中心張靜蘭實驗畫廊,訪問正在舉行首次個展的Connie Lo盧可兒。Connie 的創作從身體出發 : 微小既聲音,輕柔既觸感成為她的靈感。展場內有從線交織而成的大型裝置,亦有聲音錄象及畫作。以不同的媒介與觀眾互動交流。

校友Apple 及Peony 亦於訪問中對Connie 的作品作出有趣的回應。


[玻璃管內低聲說 Murmuring in a Glass Tube]

「我閉上眼,體内喃喃不斷的聲音低鳴著,它隨著我的一呼一吸,失去重力在黑暗處飄 浮。房間外的世界亮得刺眼,空氣湧進空洞的軀體,快要把薄如肥皂膜的皮膚撐破。」

法國哲學家巴舍拉(Gaston Bachelard)在著作《空間詩學》中,以家屋意象類比人的靈魂,主 張我們能透過回憶起家屋,學習安居於心靈深處,因為家「在我們裡面,而我們也在它的裡 面」。在首次個人展覽《玻璃管內低聲說》中,藝術家盧可兒想像身體是一個房間,以一系列版 畫、聲音和立體作品,描繪體內深遂之處。

‘I close my eyes and take a breath; murmurs levitate within the depths of my body. The world outside the room is beaming with light. Air rushes into my hollow body—nearly rupturing my skin as if it is the surface of a soap bubble.’

In his book “The Poetics of Space”, French philosopher Gaston Bachelard examines the house as an analogy to the human soul, maintaining that we can learn to abide within ourselves by remembering the houses in which we have found shelter, because houses “are in us as much as we are in them”. In her first solo exhibition “Murmuring in a Glass Tube”, artist Connie Lo imagines the body as a room as she presents a series of prints, sounds and three-dimensional works to depict the bodily abyss.