
這個展覽是以動畫《再見螢火蟲》作切入,如果現實正如故事般一樣後當代式的重現,將如何繼續 拉出一個想像?

動畫描述二次大戰時期的日本,男主角清太在神戶空襲以後,帶同妹妹節子四出逃難,迴避戰 火。妹妹以水果糖延續每日的希望,也成為哥哥抱著最後的甜美記憶離世。是次展覽亦穿插香港 懷舊的簡單遊戲,在一個小展場裡長出糖果。

懷舊與遊戲本身或許是一個循環和現實的防空洞。這會一種可延續的水份嗎?沙漠氣候異常時 都可以長出花。當沙漠奇蹟地長出鮮豔的花朵,是因為反常天氣,海水增暖,稱為沙漠之花,這種 現象為「厄爾尼諾」,偶爾周期性出現,在西班牙語是「聖嬰」的意思。而在「厄爾尼諾」現象之下, 怪異之漠花甜膩地剎時盛開。






開放時間:週四至週日,下午14:00 - 19:00

A flash in the pan

This exhibition is based on a Japanese animation "火垂るの墓 ". When tragedy recurs throughout the novel that you are acting, how do we keep on the imagination of life?

Turning Mist Gallery into a sandy ground, transforming the fruit candy which gives hope to the two characters in the film, short and sweet.

Participating artist:Cathleen Lau

Opening Reception: 2021/12/11, 16:00-19:00

Exhibition Period: 2021/12/11–2022/1/2

Address: No.45, 1/F, Fu Lee Loy Shopping Center, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: Thur–Sun, 14:00 - 19:00


關於Mist Gallery

創辦人: 劉菁兒



Mist Gallery是由藝術家營運的半實體半虛擬藝術空間。目前位於炮台山的富利來商場,提供小型藝術展覽實驗,藝術文創手作寄賣及工作坊。

Mist Gallery 同時是一個空間的藝術紀錄,雕塑出不同形式的藝術,收藏在城市裡,它會隨生活社會狀態飄移及變形。

About Mist Gallery

Founder: Cathleen Ching Yee Lau

Founded in: 2021

Address:No.45, 1/F, Fu Lee Loy Shopping Center, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong

The Mist Gallery is a semi-physical and virtual art exhibition space operated by artists, located at the Fu Lee Loy Shopping Centre in Fortress Hill. There will be experimental art displays, consigned local handmade products for sale and art workshops.

It is also a documentary of space in our city, crafting various forms of art which transform with societal state of affairs and lifestyles.