Tang Kwong San 鄧廣燊

採訪: Shirky Chan

攝影、文字: Calis Leung

香港藝術學院校友會早前(27/10) 來到位於上環的Contemporary by Angela Li,訪問正在舉行個展【熾夜Midnight Sun】的校友鄧廣燊。San 在訪問中分享了他的創作概念,透過融合照片、素描以及錄像等媒體去探究家族記憶和社會歷史。在畫面中呈現出夜色矇朧中才出現的美感。

Tang Kwong San | Midnight Sun


Contemporary by Angela Li is proud to present Tang Kwong San’s solo exhibition - Midnight Sun, curated by Jims Lam. Graduated with a Bachelor of Art from RMIT University, Australia (joint degree with Hong Kong Art School), Tang specialises in combining photographs, drawings, objects, and videos that allows him to trace intergenerational family memories and social history. In this exhibition, Tang brings us his latest work inspired by his night-time excursion in the city. From collaging paintings of urban trees and fashion garment to exposing his subjects under flashlight, Tang goes on a bold adventure in search of a unique aesthetic that only reveals itself at night. In the dark of the night, Tang’s flashlight photography isolates his subject matter from the darkness as if the midnight sun is shining on the tranquil plants. The photographs are then reconstructed on the canvas, which turn an often unprompted, instinctive process into a contemplative one. The slow and thoughtful process deepens the internal relations between Tang’s gazing at night and his desire to create a harmonic scenery. These lit plants perfectly echo with Tang’s name “San”, which is composed of three Chinese characters “fire” at the top of a “tree”. The exhibition opening will be held on 15th September 2022 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and remain on view till 29th October 2022.

Contemporary by Angela Li 欣然呈獻香港藝術家鄧廣燊的個人展覽 —「熾夜」由林志恒策展。鄧氏於2019年獲得香港藝術學院和澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學聯合頒發的藝術文學士學位。他的創作以透過融合照片、素描以及錄像等媒體去探究家族記憶和社會歷史。是次展覽展出鄧在城市中夜間流浪所被啟發的作品。夜間遊走讓鄧大膽地尋找只在萬籟俱寂、夜色矇朧中才出現的美感。鄧氏利用閃光燈攝影捕捉並突顯相中的主體,使它們彷如被熾夜照亮。以直覺攝下照片,經沉澱後重現在畫布。鄧氏的漫長自我對話,使其凝視夜色的本能引發創造和諧景象的渴求。鄧廣燊名字中的「燊」字,象形地有三道火在樹上,亦正好解釋了是次展覽中作品與熾夜的關係。本展將於2022年9月15日下午5時至晚上8時開幕,展期至 2022年10月29日。