鄧敏琪 TANG, Makkie
Instagram: baak6_zi2
Makkie Tang received Bachelor of Art (Fine Art) from RMIT University (co-presented with Hong Kong Art School) in 2021 and place on Dean’s list. She focuses on exploring the interactions between the human body and objects that come into contact with it. Throughout her work, she intends on explores themes of boundaries, both between individuals and objects, surface and interior, presence and absence, public and private spaces. Makkie is also interested in the concept of personal space。
She mainly uses variety of nets as usual practice, often examines the outer and inner extent of the body or object through the use of light, shadows, objects reflections. She keeps exploring the idea of "molding" the body or daily objects is about the space and boundaries between people, ultimately creating atmospheres that evoke subjective and emotional responses.
鄧敏琪於2021 年取得澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 純藝術學士學位 (與香港藝術學院合辦)並獲得院長嘉許名單。鄧氏一直關注身體與物件的互動性。作品主題多是涉及獨立個體及物件的表面和內部;存在和不存在;公共和私人空間等各種界定,亦對個人空間定義感興趣。