
香港藝術學院校友會 祝各位兔年平安健康!思如泉湧!

學院謹藉校友楊凱欣, 梁程萬及鄭詠儀一系列以兔為題材之作品,祝各位兔年心想事成、平安健康。

Happy Lunar New Year! As a celebration, let’s share with you a compilation of works with rabbits as the subject matter by our alumni Vienna YOUNG, Calis LEUNG, and Apple CHENG. To a healthy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!

YOUNG Hoi Yan Vienna (2016 BAFA graduate). Lost in the Wonderland. 2015. Stoneware, underglaze. 30 x 20 x 40cm.

LEUNG Ching Man Calis (2021 BAFA graduate). Fantastic Bun and what to feed them. 2019. Stoneware, hand-painted stain.

30 x 30 x 20 cm.

CHENG Wing Yee Apple (2015 BAFA graduate). Bye II. 2015. Oil on linen. 100 x 120cm.