
以流動與停滯的予盾為主要創作題材,表達出在疫情期間,因不同的外界因素,而被迫只能在原 地自轉的狀態,以轉動的木工(車床)進行創作,在這自轉的過程中, 尋找精神的平衡。



展期:2021/12/10 – 2022/1/5

地址:九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) 6樓 608室



The exhibition "Piroutte" is about the conflict of mobility and stagnant as the main creative theme. During the period of Covid-19, people was forced to stay at one place. It is like a ballet dancer having repeated self rotations of the body on the toe. The works are going to use the rotating machines (lathe) in a woodwork studio. In the process of this internal circulation, artist is aesthetically trying to find a spiritual balance.

Participating artist: Lok Chung

Opening Reception: -

Exhibition Period: 2021/12/10 – 2022/1/5

Address: Room 608, 6/F, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: Sat–Sun, 1PM–6PM



創辦人: 何濼聰


地址:九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) 6樓 608室

OLO Puzzles HK Showroom : 是香港首間立體拼圖展示廳 ,專門搜集世界各地不同的拼圖和玩具精品,將他們的創作集結香港,創辦人亦以創作者身分, 創造出獨自家特色的玩味收藏作品手製木陀螺,介紹給更多人認識,其後更希望展覽出不同工藝家與藝術家的作品, 能夠分享更多玩樂的喜悅,同時能夠欣賞到工藝之美。

About OLO Puzzles HK Showroom

Founder: Ho Lok Chung

Founded in: 2019

Address:Room 608, 6/F, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

OLO Puzzles HK Showroom is the Hong Kong’s first three-dimensional puzzle showroom, specializing in collecting different puzzles and toy boutiques from all over the world, and gathering their creations in Hong Kong. The founder, as a creator, also created a unique collection of hand-made wooden spinning tops. Let people know more about this genre of creation. I am looking forwards to exhibit the works of different craftsmen and artists in the future. I wish audiences could feel the joy of fun in their creation. At the same time,  all of us could appreciate the beauty of their craftsmanship.