周穎璇 CHOW, Christy
Hong Kong based artist Christy Chow has a background in theatre stage management and cultural studies. She creates video installations and interactive sculptures that concern humanity, sustainability and social justice. Through her on-going project “Laborland”, a dystopia and an amusement park where labor and play converged, she acts as a facilitator of alternate experiences and economies that operate in a way that is antagonistic to capital. Chow holds a BA from The University of Hong Kong, a BFA from RMIT University and a MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
Chow is a recipient of awards and residencies including Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize (2017), The Best of the Northeast Masters of Fine Arts (2015), Boston Young Contemporaries (2015). She has exhibited in Hong Kong, United States and Spain at venues such as Museum of Capitalism, Oakland; Para-site Art Space, Hong Kong; Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, Helen Day Art Center, Stown; Gibney Dance: Anges Varies Performing Arts Center, New York; 808 Gallery, Boston; Bakalar & Paine Galleries, Boston; Merino Art Centre, Boston; Pao Gallery, Hong Kong; Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Spain. Chow currently lives and works in Hong Kong.
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