黎清妍 LAI, Firenze
Firenze Lai (b. 1984, Hong Kong) lives and works in Hong Kong. She graduated from Hong Kong Art School.
In her paintings, Lai is interested in how the mind and the body can be adapted in different situations, whether consciously or unconsciously. Her practice embodies such situations, the relationship between individuals. Solo exhibitions include Turbulence at Mirrored Gardens, Guangzhou; Surround Audience: New Museum Triennial, New York (both 2015); Social Factory – 10th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai (2014), among others.
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香港藝術家黎清妍(Firenze Lai)去年首登拍賣場,已直接走入蘇富比晚拍,畫作《從此幸福快樂地生活下去》以高估價兩倍的260萬成交。早日蘇富比「當代藝術晚間拍賣」中,再有Firenze的畫作登場,這次成績更佳,《共事的人》憑300萬成交價刷新藝術家的個人拍賣紀錄。Firenze過去已多次參與國際藝術年展,可見創作已獲藝術界認可,在拍賣場報捷,則意味得到了巿場認同。
黎清妍 (Firenze Lai),香港八十後的藝術家。其「處境人像」的作品,近年展出於各地大小展覽,走過上海雙年展(2014)、紐約新美術三年展(2015)、新加坡雙年展(2016),今年更來到威尼斯視藝雙年展的大舞台。