Ora-Ora is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition " ," of contemporary artist Szelit Cheung from August 19 to September 19, 2020.
The exhibition showcases Cheung’s ingenuity on the theme of “void”. In Zen Buddhism, it is believed that all things come from Śūnyatā (emptiness or voidness). For Cheung, “void” is not a concept, but something that can be understood through experience. His work explores the relationship between space, chiaroscuro, and hues through a minimal setting, reflecting on the interactions between one's self and environment.
" ," features 14 works from different periods of the artist’s ongoing exploration of this theme. The exhibition is curated to provide a glance into the artist's studio, allowing the audience to accompany Cheung on his artistic journey. Through his delicate presentation, Cheung is able to provide new meaning to inconspicuous moments and objects, offering the audience another perspective to approaching their daily lives.
方由(Ora-Ora)榮幸宣布將於 在西浦189空間舉辦當代藝術家張施烈首次個展「,」,展期由 2020 年 8月 19 日至 9 月 19日 。
每年一月,都係香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦的藝術文學士課程開學的日子。興幸今年的迎新日(2023-1-7)能從線上回到藝術中心舉行,與同學面對面接觸。香港藝術學院校友會HKAS Alumni Network 主席Dr Daphne Ho 亦出席了迎新活動,為同學們簡介校友會的背景及工作。