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說什麼也沒關係 There is nothing left to say



There is nothing left to say

Each of us may subconsciously place anxieties and aspirations in corners of the city. There isn't much text to read here, but you could explore each trivial thought hidden around, for what it is about, what is there left to say …

參展 Participants
鄭詠儀 CHENG Wing Yee
方梓亮 Argus FONG
何芊欣 Jeanie HO
洪寶寶 HUNG Po Po
盧可兒 Connie LO

展覽日期 Exhibition Dates
9.7 - 10.8.2021

開幕 Opening
9.7.2021, 6-8pm

地點 Address
香港藝術學院藝廊The GALLERY of Hong Kong Art School
香港灣仔港灣道 2 號香港藝術中心 10 樓
10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

開放時間 Opening Hours
星期一至六 Mon - Sat | 11:00am - 8:00pm
Closed on Sunday & Public Holidays