策展人 Curator: 黃嘉瀛 KY Wong 藝術家 Artists: 陳倩琳 Alysa Chan, 陳嘉翹 Chan Ka Kiu Clair, 鄭婷婷 Cheng Ting Ting, 何倩彤 Ho Sin Tung, 張蚊 Irving Cheung, 曾晴 Tsang Ching Sadako, 余淑培 Yu Shuk Pui Bobby
《夾軟糖》乃 Women's Festival 2019 女人節香港2019特別呈獻的展覽。是次展覽由黃嘉瀛策展,聯合七名風格迴異、特立獨行的本地藝術家,以變幻繽紛的軟糖作思考的引子,於性別常被倒模成形的當代語境下,試圖擺脫現成象徵物的絕對和單一,利用創作釋出並轉移「夾」、「軟糖」等代名詞背後所蘊含,靈活、流動而具韌性的巨大能量。
Gummy candies are soft, gelatin-based chewable sweets. Gummies has a high water content, are available in a wide variety of flavors, and its shape, size, texture are easily manipulable depending on one’s desire and needs. Due to its high sugar content, gummy candies are very high in energy (a.k.a. calorie).
Yummy Gummy is a special exhibition presented by the Women's Festival, curated by KY Wong. KY lined up 7 local female artists in a critical reflection on the gender moulds and stereotypes we are so often forced into, and the possibilities of resistance. By using the colorful and shape-shifting gummies as the point of entry, their works explore themes such as artificial bodies, beauty, corporeal desire, resistance, fluidity, and flexibility.