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五行從土 - 行為藝術現場


Live Performance art

2018 09 15
120 Fung Chi Village, Long Ping Road, Yuen Long
元朗朗屏路鳳池村120號 (

2018 09 16
G/F, 404 Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tei

藝術家 Artists:
Marcel Sparmann -德國 Germany
Marisa Garreffa -澳洲 Australia
Lam Hoi Lit (Kai Lam) -新加波 Singapore
Vichukorn Tangpaiboon (Jon) -泰國 Thailand
Kana Fukushima -日本 Japan
Kohsei -日本 Japan
胡懿菲 HU Yifei -中國 China
陳式森 CHEN ShiSen (Sanmu) -香港 Hong Kong
潘星磊 PAN Xinglei -香港 Hong Kong
嚴穎嘉 Monique YIM -香港 Hong Kong
歐陽東 AU YEUNG Tung ( East) -香港 Hong Kong
黎振寧 LAI Chunling (Dick) -香港 Hong Kong
余榮基 Rik Wingkei YU -香港 Hong Kong
陳美彤 CHAN Meitung -香港 Hong Kong
杜 躍 TO Yeuk -香港 Hong Kong


透過是次行為藝術的活動,我們希望令大眾關注迫在眉睫的土地問題,我們並非單純地用觀念的方法去觀察及呈現這些問題,而是用生命本來的樣子來呈現世界。這不僅僅是描述生命,更加渴望通過創作成就生命本身。我們用最直接的手段,近距離地,有如一種見證災難的藝術呈現, 希望令社會的創傷得以修復、檢視、重整,以及當代城市人思考土地與人的意義和啟發對土地運用的新傳譯,擴闊城市人對土地的狹窄䆁義。活動將直接到横洲做現場創作,通過貼身的感受和了解。我們將以身體作為媒介呈現香港現時的土地問題,重構文化倫理。

Hong Kong is turning into a chaotic city and it can be seen on the aspect of land use. Prices of property is high and out of people affordability. Lack of public housing supply, lower class people could only pay high rental fee to get a tiny living space. It’s ironic that “Nanometer-Floor” and “Luxury Partitioned Flats ” have been promoted by political and business parties as “the future scenery of Hong Kong”. In north-eastern New Territories, residents of Choi Yuen Tsuen, Wang Chau have lost or will loose their self-sufficiency way of agricultural living. Habits, culture, traditions, living and working environment will also be changed because of the redefinition of land use. What kind of lifestyles and values will this changes bring to Hong Kong people? In the context of different countries and cultures, can the transformation of the nature of land will not be resulted as a commodities? Why do the right of land use can only be dominated by the government? Who can be allowed to change the use of land and who has the right to contaminate the soil? What kind of environment will we expect to hand-over to the next generation?

Through the performance art activity, The Five Elements – starting from the Earth, we hope to raise the public's attention to this critical land use issue. We do not simply use the method of concept to observe and present this issue but we use the nature of life to present it to the world. This is not just a description of life but a desire to achieve the original nature of life through creation. We use the most direct art form (body art / live performance) as a witness of martyrdom to close-up this issue. We hope to repair, examine, and reshape the trauma of society and to think about the meaning between land and human. We hope this project could inspire people with new interpretations of land use in contemporary cities and widen the vision of land use. The event will be held at Wang Chau and participating artists will do on-site creation through their personal experience and understanding on this issue. We will use our body as a medium to present Hong Kong's current land issues and reconstruct cultural ethics.
講座 Lectures:

2018 09 13 19:45pm--21:15pm
講者:泰國藝術家 Lecturer :Thailand Artist:
Vichukorn Tangpaiboon (Jon)

Mekong River’s still no return but forever changed--
Conservation campaign of watershed
system in “Mekong River Project” .
Sharing of performances and experiences


2018 09 14 16:30pm--18:00pm
講者:香港藝術家Lecture: Hong Kong Artist:
梁志剛Michael Leung

Hegemony and Creative Resistance

Land struggles and developer hegemony have regrettably become the status quo in Hong Kong. Biased media, capitalist sympathy and daily survival fails to connect a critical mass to land struggles such as the North East New Territories and Wang Chau Development plans. How have different groups organised a creative resistance to developer hegemony, and can this be built upon in ways that will redefine our understanding of land and the commons in Hong Kong?


2018 09 18 19:45pm--21:15pm
講者:德國藝術家 Lecturer : Germany Artist:
Marcel Sparmann

“曲線和線條 - Koanic思考的行為藝術 ”
一位古老的禪師被問到“藝術品能不能成為一個koān?”答案很明確,“要麼它是koān,要麼它不是藝術品”。 但我們可能會感受到類似的願望,即滲透到現實的本質及其自然或製作的紋理中。 “曲線和線條 - Koanic思考的行為藝術”講座試圖將koān的概念引入行為藝術和行為藝術教學。 “Koānic思想”,可能會在我們所做的藝術中找到它的位置或者伴隨我們所做的藝術,因為它以強而有力的方式表現出對我們真實本性和內在的社會變革的激進願望。
"A Curve and A Line - Koanic Thinking on Performance Art-"
An old Zen Master was asked “Can a work of art be a koān?” The answer was clear, “Either it is a koān, or it is not a work of art”. But we may perceive similar aspirations, of penetrating into the nature of reality and its natural or fabricated textures. The lecture “A Curve and A Line - Koānic Thinking on Performance Art -” attempt to introduce the idea of a koan into Performance Art and Performance Art teaching. “Koānic thinking”, might find its place in guidance or accompany the art we do, because in a powerful way, it manifests radical aspirations towards our true nature and within: social change.

Venue: G/F, 404 Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon


Performance art Workshop

特別鳴謝: Yan LAI, 黃家瀚, Amy WU, 歐陽太一家及幇咗我哋,而我哋又唔知嘅人。 Special thanks to: Yan Lai, Wong Ka Hon, Amy WU,Mrs Au Yeung and her family,and those who help us but we don’t know who you are.

主辦 Presenters: 正常小孩 The Originals


We may conduct camera, video and sound recording during the event for documentation purposes. Please let us know if you feel uncomfortable being recorded. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.