Lao She's Two Horses, paragraph 5, states "You always say that I focus too much on the facts, that I should learn to be romantic, is that right?"
Is romance unrealistic? What is romance? Romance means feeling touched and happy because of someone or something you love, and being remembered for a period of time, is that right?
Is art romantic? In the coming February’s Chinese New Year and Western Valentine’s Day, Touch Ceramics proudly presents the "Romantic Works" collection. In addition to Sara Tse’s angels and Spode’s Blue Willow collection from the 19th-century England, 18 Hong Kong contemporary ceramic artists will also interpret love through their pieces by the theme "One Pair".
Touch Ceramics wishes to invite everyone to reinterpret and pursue “Romance” through different forms of ceramic art pieces and bring Romance to an entire new level through new perspectives.
【 開幕式 Opening Ceremony 】
2019.02.10 11:00am
開幕導賞 VIP Tour : 10:30 - 11:30 am
地點 Venue : Touch Ceramics
香港中環荷李活道10號大館第3座203室 203, Block 3 Barrack Block , TaiKwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong