We are excited to announce the YR34 Award Winners!
The exhibit is beautiful! Thank you all for your contributions.
Best of Show - $1000 award Wendy Tan – “Affection”
First Place – three $500 awards 1) Lyrinda Snyderman – “Inexorable Descent” 2) Trowzers Akimbo – “The Otters Are Back” 3) Bryant Austin – “I’m Here”
Second Place – three $300 awards 1) Kirk Keeler – “Ice Pattern on High Sierra Pond, Eastern Sierra” 2) Ester Eve-Jacks Grayson – “Together” 3) Deborah Pepin – “Fall Splendor Lundy Canyon Eastern Sierras”
Honorable Mention –five $100 awards 1) Monique Wales – “Grand Show, Sierra Gloaming” 2) Franka Gabler – “Fishing, Eastern Sierra” 3) Marek Matusz – “Moon and Clouds” 4) John Kifer – “Fire on the Merced” 5) Pamela Hicks – “The Awe of El Cap”
Weiss Vocelka Award - (two $500 awards) Donors- Derrick Vocelka and daughter Sarah Vocelka Hendrickson In honor of mother and daughter B. Weiss and Mary Weiss-Vocelka
1) Denise Oyama Miller – “Bird’s Eye View” 2) David Hoffman – “Brown Creepers No. 2”
People’s Choice Award - $100 award 1) Marilyn Wear – “Heading Downstream”