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《山》何穎琦個展 “Mountain“ solo exhibition by Katie Ho



─── 約翰・繆爾,19世紀自然學家


“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”

- John Muir, 19th century naturalist

The local artist Katie Ho works in multi-media installation; utilising humour, found objects, drawing and brilliant colour to make work that is both playful and touching. In this exhibition, she site specifically made a huge drawing about nature, with a series of small drawings of her strange little cat.


展 期 | 2018.6.2-30

時 間 | 11:30 - 22:00

場 地 | kubrick (九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園H2地舖)


◼︎ 藝術家介紹


在2015年完成了澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學的藝術碩士課程。作品在敍述故事的不同片段,這些作品乍看是獨立完整的個體,湊合在一起時卻可串連成複雜、多元的經歷。觀者可以將不同作品自我串連,拼湊出獨特觀點去闡釋她的世界 — 一個充滿想像、幽默感、熱忱和人性的空間。

其作品曾在世界各地展出,包括:澳洲、香港、韓國及台灣。畢業後入選參加韓國及台灣的藝術駐村,更獲得南島國際美術獎2016的榮譽獎。何穎琦同時為小劇場設計佈景設計,分別在葵青黑盒劇場及香港藝術中心的麥高利小劇演出。她亦是Hidden Space的創辦人之一。


Katie Ho
completed her MFA with RMIT, Australia in 2015. Her artworks narrate fragments of stories that can be seen as individually complete, but when assembled together construct a more complex, multifaceted experience. They allow for connections across images and forms to show an idiosyncratic view of subjective and real world observations; a view of narrated stories which are imaginative, humorous and most importantly, compassionate and deeply human. 

Ho has exhibited in Australia, Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan. She has been selected for residencies in Korea (2015) and Taiwan (2016), and was a finalist in the 2016 Austronesian International Arts Award, Taiwan. She has also designed stage sets for productions at Kwai Tsing Black Box Theatre, HK, and McAuley Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre. Ho is also the cofounder of Hidden Space, a new artist run initiative.
