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啄眼的烏鴉 Peck-eyes Ravens

啄眼的烏鴉 Peck-eyes Ravens.jpg

啄眼的烏鴉 Peck-eyes Ravens

藝術家 Artist : 簡喬倩 Tobe Kan Kiu Sin
策展人 Curator: 李美娟 Carol Lee Mei Kuen

合辦 Co-presenter:
HK Art School Alumni Network

開幕 Opening Reception
29.03.2018, 星期四 Thursday
5:30 - 7:30pm

星期一至五 Mon - Fri | 11am - 6pm

* 30.03 星期五 Friday 2pm - 6pm

Closed on Weekends and Public Holidays

《啄眼的烏鴉》是簡喬倩的首個個展。她沉迷於精神分析的研究,以剖析自身的精神狀態,窺探與回溯各種因果關係。是次展覽以西班牙諺語「飼養的烏鴉,長大後會啄走你的眼睛」,和Carlos Saura執導電影《Cría Cuervos(飼養烏鴉)》為創作的據點,以繪畫呈現藝術家無法言喻的心理景觀。

Peck-eyes Ravens is the first solo exhibition by Tobe Kan Kiu Sin. The artist is obsessed with psychoanalysis, to study her own state, explore and retrospect to the causality. She would like to reveal these psychological sceneries with drawings rather than being lost in language. The exhibition title is derived from a Spanish proverb “Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos” (Raise ravens and they’ll pluck out your eyes) which is also the title of a movie directed by Carlos Saura.

2017年畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術系(由香港藝術學院合辦),主修繪畫。作品為Living Collection及私人收藏。

Born, live, study and work in Hong Kong.
Graduated from Fine Art (Painting) at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (co-presented with the Hong Kong Art School) in 2017. Her works are collected by Living Collection and other private collectors.

Earlier Event: March 16
花語連篇 - Market Museum
Later Event: April 13
Beyond 1 Kilo - a ceramic exhibition