AM I NORMAL? Do I want to stand out from the mass or blend in with others? Who has a blinkered view and who sees the emperor’s new clothes? In between gazes, what do you actually perceive?
A new edition of Zoo as Metaphor (2014), a performative exhibition previously set at Oi! (Oil Street Art Space), takes the "cabinet of curiosities" as its point of departure once again.
This time, the artists undertake another expedition in the more site-responsive environment of Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, delivering another engaging and experiential journey for visitors. Moving on from the objects and collectables on display in the first edition, the new expedition focuses on PEOPLE, embarking on the "bizzare” in contemporary situations...
Travelling through rooms where different scenarios unfold, visitors will be encouraged to reflect on interactions between individuals and collectives, self and others. For sceptics and adherers to convention alike, the experential journey will lead to contemplation of how we can construct identity through the eyes of others, or how we perceive people through pre-set ideas and values.
介乎展覧與表演之間 衍生出一場社會潛規則實驗歷程 A crossed form of exhibition and performance evolves into an experiential journey of social experiment
☛ Note for people with difficulties walking stairs: The venue is a heritage building accessible by stairs only. Audiences are required to move around during the event, and are thus advised to consider their physical condition before purchasing tickets. Tickets are non-refundable.
此為語言無障礙節目 文字資料則為中英對照
Language is not a barrier in this programme Textual information is in Chinese and English
☛ Audience under the age of 12 will not be admitted. The programme is designed with specific admission times but audiences are free to choose how long they stay within opening hours. No intermission. Audiences are strongly advised to arrive punctually. No admission for latecomers.
策劃及監製 Curator & Producer 黎蘊賢 Orlean Lai
核心創作人 Core Collaborating Artists 區華欣 Au Wah-yan 許敖山 Steve Hui 馮程程 Vee Leong 伍韶勁 Kingsley Ng
創作團隊及技術總監 Creative Team & Technical Director 吳子昆 Ng Tsz-kwan
創作團隊 Creative Team 洪忠傑 Kensa Hung 文美桃 Man Mei-to 黃鴻飛 Wong Hung-fei
場景佈置及服裝設計 Set & Costume Designer 陳子雯 Iv Chan
燈光設計 Lighting Designer 鄺雅麗 Alice Kwong
計劃經理 Project Manager 何比 Kobe Ho
製作經理 Production Manager 李菁菁 Cheryl Li
音響系統工程 Sound System Engineer 謝金寶Tse Kam-po
宣傳品攝影 Photographer tommytfortwo
圖片來源 Drawings credit: Wellcome Collection
門票9月7日起於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX from 7 Sep onwards
網上購票 Internat Booking: 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 5491 9516 流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App: MY URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions)
優惠購票計劃 Discount Schemes 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人❊、綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲55折優惠。 綜援受惠人士優惠票數量有限,先到先得。優惠票持有人入場時,必須出示可以證明身份或年齡的有效證件。 Tickets with 45% off discount are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and a minder ❊, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Tickets for CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Concessionary ticket holders must produce evidence of their identity or age upon admission.
團體購票優惠:每次購買四至九張正價門票,可獲九折優惠;十至十九張可獲八五折優惠;二十張或以上可獲八折優惠。 Group Booking Discount: 10% discount for each purchase of 4 -9 full-price tickets; 15% discount for each purchase of 10 - 19 full-price tickets; 20% discount for each purchase of 20 or more full-price tickets.
「新視野藝術節2018」套票優惠 ✦:每次購買兩場不同節目的正價門票,可獲九折優惠;三場不同節目,可獲八五折優惠;四場或以上,可獲八折優惠。 "New Vision Arts Festival 2018" Package Booking Discount ✦: 10% discount on full-price tickets for each purchase of 2 different programmes; 15% discount for 3 different programmes; 20% discount for 4 or more different programmes.
❊ 顧客每購買一張殘疾人士優惠門票,即可同時以相同優惠購買一張門票予看護人。 ❊ For each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket with the same concession for a minder.
✦ 優惠購票計劃不適用於購買講座/工作坊之門票。 ✦ Discount schemes not applicable to tickets for lectures or workshops.
購買每張門票,只可享用以上其中一種購票優惠。 Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each ticket purchased.
香港醫學博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences 香港上環半山堅巷二號 2 Caine Lane, Mid-Levels, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: 2549 5123 電郵 Email: 網址 Website:
策劃及製作 Curated & Produced by: orleanlaiproject
資助 Financial Support : 「Project ELSE」獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助。本節目屬於「Project ELSE」計劃一部分。 "Project ELSE" is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This programme is part of "Project ELSE".
場地伙伴 Venue Partner: 香港醫學博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
鳴謝 Acknowledgement: 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department