參展校友: 張影薇 Maria Cheung
策展人: 學院高級講師/學科統籌 黎健強Edwin Lai
每日下午4時30分張竹君醫生的疫情簡報 :3,436宗…3,256宗…3,805宗…4,375宗…對於這些上升的4位數字,你有否憂心另一波 (Another Round) 的「蒞臨」?其實, 或許這是最佳的時機去放下,反思生活、作出新嘗試......
3,436 cases... 3,256 cases... 3,805 cases... 4,375 cases as announced daily by the CHP on the latest epidemic situation of COVID-19. Rising COVID-19 case numbers likely mean we're in “Another Round” of the pandemic... Stay Tuned!
《下回分解──新冠新觀》攝影展覽 Another Round: Re-Imagining COVID-19 Exhibition
地點Venue: 香港藝術中心5樓包氏畫廊 5/F, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre
日期Date: 2022.08.17 - 2022.08.31
時間Time: 10:00–20:00
費用Price:免費入場 Free Admission
詳情 Detail: https://hkac.org.hk/calendar_detail/?u=hDVnoLRI9Rw
#張志偉 | #張影薇 | #朱德華 | #胡興宇 | #余偉健 | #鄧鉅榮
主辦:香港藝術中心 | 贊助:胡廖碧楨女士
Participating Artists:
Cheung Chi Wai | Maria Cheung | Almond Chu | Eric Hu | Vincent Yu | Ringo Tang
Guest Curator:
Edwin K. Lai
Since the discovery of the virus at the end of 2019, the name COVID-19 has become a part of our lives. The Delta variant and the latest Omicron virus mutation have caused much distress and our way of life has been rewritten forever with no one unscathed.
Unstable conditions, however, are often what most easily inspire the sensitive minds of artists. The six participating artists of the present exhibition alongside curator Edwin K. Lai, have all used the camera as a tool to respond to the challenging new normal under the volatile pandemic. Their records of the city through different perspectives explore the hopes and possibilities in a post-pandemic Hong Kong.
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Centre
Sponsored by: Mrs. Emma Liu Hu