"Claylaboration" between Ceramic Artists and their Creative Partners

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合・ 陶 — 當代陶瓷藝術展 Claylaboration — Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition 香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum 29.12.2018 – 15.4.2019 當陶瓷遇上各式媒介,會激發出甚麼可能? 是次展覽邀請了八組陶藝家尋找來自不同領域的創作伙伴進行跨界合作,當中有陶藝家與時裝設計師、舞台佈景及燈光專家、攝影師、版畫家、文字工作者以至佛教法師等等讓人意想不到的跨界協作,透過意念、經驗、技巧等交流,為陶瓷注入嶄新的創作元素。媒體藝術家黃淑賢以五個月的時間走訪及拍攝各參展單位,並製作成錄像裝置,帶領觀眾遊歷八段風格各異的「合陶」之旅。 What kinds of possibilities will result from a crossover between ceramics and other media? This exhibition brings ceramic artists and creative talents from fashion design, stage design, photography, printmaking, creative writing and even Buddhism together. Through the exchange of ideas, experiences and techniques, the crossover infuses new elements to ceramic art. To reveal the collaborative process to the public in a more engaging way, media artist, Elaine Wong, is invited to present their “claylaboration” through a video installation.

展覽詳情Exhibition details: https://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/en_US/web/hm/exhibitions/data/exid255.html

FB & IG: #合陶 #Claylaboration
