Fabric of CHAT | Movana Chen

Fabric of CHAT | Movana Chen.jpg

【Fabric of CHAT | Movana Chen】

Movana Chen is a Hong Kong artist, known for her artistic practice KNITerature which she creates by knitting together strips of paper instead of yarn. As one of the featured artists for the Inaugural Season, she will be creating her artwork Fabric of CHAT, which will be displayed at the CHAT Arcade.

Watch the video to know more about her inspiration and creative process, and stayed tuned for information on her upcoming workshops!

【Fabric of CHAT | 陳麗雲】

陳麗雲是一位香港藝術家。她為人熟知的作品名為《KNITerature》,以紙條代替毛冷編織成藝術品。她為CHAT六廠開幕季創作的《Fabric of CHAT》將會在CHAT Arcade展出。



CHAT Spring 2019 Inaugural Season Programmes
CHAT 六廠春季2019開幕季項目
Opens 17.03.2019 開放 │11:00am-7:00pm
Closed on Tuesdays 逢星期二休息
CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Free admission 免費入場
