Foreword of "Sometimes Irrelevant" (2018)

Sometimes Irreleveant - Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Graduation Exhibition 2018.jpg

The solid heat of summer came early in May this year, which however, reminds me of the once-a-year graduation show that I have been longed for.

It has been 20 years since the Bachelor of Arts programme established in 1998, co-organized by Hong Kong Art School and RMIT University, with over 700 graduates. Apart from their personal development, their achievements have also gained attention and in different art fields. They made every endeavor for the development and promotion of art in Hong Kong, and brought changes and vitality to local art scene.

In the past 20 years, alumni keep making splendid things happen. In 1999, alumni took the lead in establishing studios in Chai Wan. The joint art studio event “Kai Zha” in Chai Wan, a pioneer of opening studios for public involvement started in 2002. From 2004 to 2008, the “Too Art” event held at the Hong Kong Arts Centre focused on promoting the collection of local art creation, the founder is also our alumni. Let’s look at more examples: The C&G Art Apartment set up in 2007 has been promoting visual arts education and planning different exhibitions. In 2008, West Kowloon “MIA Art Container Programme” was a non government funded, unprecedented large-scale outdoor visual arts event. In 2008, “Art Together” promoted community arts curatorship, workshops and lectures, in order to bring art and public closer. From 2009 to 2014, The A.lift Gallery promoted the works of the Hong Kong Art School’s schoolmates both locally and abroad; the Unit Gallery founded in 2010 also helps supporting contemporary ceramic and glass art; In 2013, “Pointsman Art Creation” is founded, they participate and co-organizes many important art events. “Altermodernists” established in 2015 shares art through online platforms, and “Artiarki” the contemporary art spaces set up in Korea in 2018 etc. Alumni have organized various kind of studios, which also play a main role on Hong Kong art education. The entire list of artistic activities or initiatives of what they have been involved would be countless.

I have always been grateful for the opportunity to study the Bachelor of Arts programme at the Hong Kong Art School and the RMIT University. It is essential that the programme empathizes on both theory and creation, it also provides part-time courses for those who share the same passion in art as me, in which we are able to complete the pursuit of art and dreams, and change their lives. I have always been honoured and proud to be alumni of the Hong Kong Art School. The theme of this year’s graduation show is '“Sometimes Irrelevant,” I believe the enthusiasm of graduates for arts and their ardent pursuit of ideals are all “decisive matters” in their lives.

On behalf of the HKAS Alumni Network, I would like to warmly welcome everyone to become part of the HKAS Alumni Network. I sincerely wish you all to turn over a new leaf on the path of making art after graduation, I look forward to more things of beauty you all create!

—Lee Mei Kuen, Carol, Chairperson of Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network



這二十年裏,校友們不斷讓美好的事情發生。1999年,有校友率先在柴灣設立工作室,2002年柴灣藝術工作室聯合開放活動「開閘」,創開放工作室的先河。2004至2008年,開設於藝術中心的「二樓原作」專注推動收藏本地藝術創作,創辦人也是我們的校友。再看一些例子:2007年成立的「C & G藝術單位」一直致力推動視覺藝術教育及策劃不同展覽;2008年西九「藝術貨櫃計畫」是前所未有而且並非由政府資助的大型戶外視覺藝術活動;2008年成立的「藝術到家」推動社區藝術活動策展、工作坊和講座,拉近藝術與大眾的距離;2009至2014年,「提藝廊」主力推廣香港藝術學院校友的作品,希望把校友們的作品在本地及帶到海外收藏;2010年成立的「Unit Gallery」推動當代陶瓷及玻璃藝術;2013年創辦的「點子藝術創作」,參與及協辦很多重要的藝術活動;還有2015年成立並藉網上平台推廣的「藝們」,以及2018年在韓國成立的「Artiarki」當代藝術空間等。校友們設立各式各樣的教室和陶瓷工作室,在本港的藝術教育上也有重要的影響。他們參與其事的藝術活動或創舉,可以寫一張很長的清單。


我謹代表HKAS Alumni Network熱烈歡迎大家成為HKAS Alumni Network的一份子。更祝願大家畢業後,在創作路上開展新一章,期待你們創造更多美好的事情!

—李美娟,HKAS Alumni Network主席

Sometimes Irreleveant - Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Graduation Exhibition 2018

Exhibition Period: 07-22/07/2018
Time : 10am – 8pm
Venue: Pao Galleries, 4-5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, HK

‧Opening Ceremony

6/7 (Fri) 6:30pm – 8pm @ Pao Galleries
