Posts tagged HKAS Alumni Network
學院的學習與傳承 Learning and Passing on at Hong Kong Art School


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(新 NEW)香港藝術學院本部導覽 A Walkthrough of the newly renovated HKAS

感謝 《愈 ‧ 夜舞 In the course of Dancing, from Nightfall to Darkness》展覽策展人Elaine Wong及校友會主席Shirky Chan為我們導覽翻新後的香港藝術學院本部(灣仔)。翻新後的學院藝廊空間大增,亦增設了製作陶瓷的設施及多用途工作室等,不知道最讓你留下深刻印象的又是哪一部份?‍‍

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Foreword of "Sometimes Irrelevant" (2018)

The solid heat of summer came early in May this year, which however, reminds me of the once-a-year graduation show that I have been longed for.

It has been 20 years since the Bachelor of Arts programme established in 1998, co-organizes by Hong Kong Art School and RMIT University, with over 700 graduates. Apart from their personal development, their achievements have also gained attention and in different art fields. They made every endeavor for the development and promotion of art in Hong Kong, and brought changes and vitality to local art scene.

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