Intimacy in the Distance | 微觀 ‧ 遠望 Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network Exhibition 2019

【微觀 ‧ 遠望|香港藝術學院 Alumni Network 展覽 2019】
陶瓷展覽 微觀 ‧ 遠望|香港藝術學院 Alumni Network 展覽 2019 由香港藝術中心與香港藝術學院Alumni Network合辦.適逢香港藝術學院(香港藝術中心附屬機構)成立二十週年,至今已培育出約二百名陶藝主修畢業生,當中成立工作室並持續創作者多於百人,是本地陶藝生態的生力軍。展覽邀請了三十六位在香港藝術學院不同年份畢業且來自不同背景的陶藝家參展,一百一十八件展品分為實用器物、藝術創作和昔日作品三個部份,多樣化地反映了陶藝家不同的世界觀,展示了香港藝術學院對陶瓷作為專業知識的重視,以及對鑽研和創新精神的培養。
本屆展覽由香港藝術學院校友策劃,意義在於以點滴回饋之心延續學校校友之間的關懷、聯繫與支持,當中出售作品百分之五十的收益,將 予香港藝術學院作其發展用途。
策展人: 黃麗貞
【Intimacy in the Distance │ Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network Exhibition 2019】
The ceramic exhibition Intimacy in the Distance │ Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network Exhibition 2019 is co-presented by Hong Kong Arts Centre and Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network. In the 20 years since it was founded, the Hong Kong Art School, a division of the Hong Kong Arts Centre has witnessed the graduation of more than 200 students who were ceramics major, more than a hundred of them have set up their work studios to continue with their art making. They are the new blood of the local ceramics landscape. Thirty-six ceramics artists from different backgrounds and cohorts have been invited to take part in this exhibition. The 118 pieces of exhibits were divided into three sections, focusing on functional objects, art creation and earlier works. The broad spectrum of works presents various perspectives to look at the world. These creative works of art highlight Hong Kong Art School’s steadfast support for ceramics as a professional practice, and our efforts to nurture students who are keen to pursue studious study and innovative attempts at creation.
What makes this exhibition more meaningful is that the participants and organisers are all alumni of the Hong Kong Art School and 50% from the sales of works will be donated to support the continuous development of the Hong Kong Art School.
Curator: Fiona Wong
開放時間 Opening Hours
29.11 - 14.12.2019
10am - 8pm
開幕 Opening
28.11.2019 (Thur)
6:00pm 酒會 Cocktail Reception
6:30pm 開幕禮 Opening Ceremony
參展藝術家 Participating Artists
Simone Boon
陳建業 Chan Kin Yip Scott
陳翹康x BeCandle Chan Kiu Hong, Joe x BeCandle
陳思光 Chan See Kwong Ray
陳小姿 Chan Siu Chi, b
趙汝誠 Chau Yu Shing Daniel
鄭禮仁 Ryan Cheng
張啟新 Cheung Kai Sun Suzy
張麗珍 Cheung Lai Chun Karen
程詩賢 Ching Sze Yin Cicy
馮國璋 Fung Kwok Cheung Paul
何敏儀 Blanche Ho
葉皓賢 Ip Ho Yin Casric
關秀雯 Kwan Sau Man
黎海茜 Lai Hoi Sai Joey
劉瑋珊 Hikki Lau
劉宏達 Lau Wang Tat
李佩欣 Jessica Lee
李慧心 Lee Wai Sum
李綺薇 Winus Lee
魯彩虹 Rainbow Lu
陸美妃 Luk Mei Fei Nutz
潘輝煌 Poon Fai Wong
蕭錦嫺 Siu Kam Han
譚曉怡 Rebeka Tam
鄧嘉寶 Karpo Tang
曾志清 Tsang Che Ching
曾秀英 Connie Tsang
徐芷君Josephine Tsui
黃麗娟 Aidan Wong
黃靜雯 Ann Wong
黃愷琳 Wong Hoi Lam Karen
胡子敏 Woo Tze Mun Mandy
邱瑞蘭 Iris Yau
丘文彬 Yau Man Pun Ben
姚俊樺 Yiu Chun Wa
Presented by
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
Co-presented by
香港藝術學院 Alumni Network
Hong Kong Art School Alumni Network
Media partners
藝們 Altermodernists
點子藝術創作 Pointsman Art Creation
Printing Sponsor
大一數碼印刷有限公司 Elite Digital & Printing Co., Ltd.
校友限定展覽導賞團再次出動!今次請到校友會其中一位委員會成員 Tin Lau 為大家導賞香港藝術館HKMOA的展覽【 By the People: Creative Chinese Characters 字由人──漢字創意集】,名額有限,請各位校友把握機會,立即報名參加!
- Tagged 陳建業 Scott CHAN, 陳翹康 Joe CHAN, 陳思光 Ray CHAN, 陳小姿 CHAN Siu Chi, 趙汝誠 Daniel CHAU, 鄭禮仁 Ryan CHENG, 張啟新 Suzy CHEUNG, 張麗珍 Karen CHEUNG, 程詩賢 Cicy CHING, 馮國璋 Paul FUNG, 何敏儀 Blanche HO, 葉皓賢 Casric IP, 關秀雯Mon KWAN, 黎海茜 Joey LAI, 劉瑋珊 Hikki LAU, 劉宏達Dada LAU, 李佩欣 Jessica LEE, 李慧心 LEE Wai Sum, 李綺薇 Winus LEE, 魯彩虹 Rainbow LU, 陸美妃 Nutz LUK, 潘輝煌 Nick POON, 蕭錦嫺 SIU Kamhan, 譚曉怡 Rebeka TAM, Karpo TANG, 曾志清 TSANG Che Ching, 曾秀英 Connie TSANG, 徐芷君 Josephine TSUI, 黃麗娟 Aidan WONG, 黃靜雯 Ann WONG, 黃愷琳Karen WONG, 胡子敏 Mandy WOO, 邱瑞蘭 Iris YAU, 丘文彬 Ben YAU, 姚俊樺 YIU Chun Wa, Simone BOON, CERAMICS