11 January – 29 February 2020 Opening: Saturday, 11 January, 2-5 pm
EXIT presents dual exhibition “The Blazing World” by emerging artists LI Ning and Stanley SHUM. The artists create their own world order with scenes taken from daily fragments, the imaginary and subconsciousness through prints and oil works respectively.
LI Ning (b.1992, Hong Kong) graduated from Bachelor of Fine Arts with distinction in Hong Kong Art School in 2019, majoring in painting. LI’s work tells his personal stories and imagination through delicate lines and strong structure, inspired by his tattoo techniques and experiences as a tattoo artist. Participated exhibitions include group exhibitions “Art 021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair” (Shanghai, 2019), “HKFOREWORD19“ (10 Chancery Lane Gallery, 2019) and “Hot Off the Press” (HKOP, Hong Kong, 2019). LI currently lives and works in Hong Kong
Stanley SHUM (b. 1989, Hong Kong), graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of The Chinese University of Hong Kong with first class honor in 2013. His expressive portraits and imaginary scene represent the psychological portrayals of contemporary people, revealing the tension of social and personal disorder. Participated exhibitions include solo exhibition “The Dark Scene” (Compton Art Gallery, Hong Kong, 2015), group exhibition “Hidden Body” (AISHONANZUKA, Hong Kong, 2017) and “Critical Existentialism” (Hong Kong Visual Art Center Gallery, Hong Kong, 2015). SHUM currently lives and works in Hong Kong.
The Blazing World 李寧 沈軍翰
2020年1月11日至2月29日 開幕:1月11日(星期六) 下午2時至5時
《The Blazing World》呈獻新晉藝術家李寧和沈軍翰的作品。 二人創作靈感均來自現實世界的零碎事物,併合個人的夢境及潛藏意像,分別透過版畫及油畫併構出虛幻的現實世界。
李寧(1992年,香港),2019畢業於香港藝術學院藝術系學士。李氏是一位紋身師,其作品靈感來自其多年研究紋身的技巧與經驗。他通過細膩的線條和剛烈的結構講述自己個人的想像故事。參加展覽包括《上海廿一當代藝術博覽會2019》(上海,2019)、《HKFOREWORD19》(10號贊善裡畫廊,2019)及《Hot Off the Press》(HKOP,香港,2019)。藝術家現居於香港。
沈軍翰(1989年,香港),2013獲頒香港中文大學藝術系一級榮譽學士。他專注對個人及社群在現實社會主體下的生活狀態研究,以油畫的方式構想新世界爛漫風景。參加展覽包括個展《黑色圖景》(COMPTON ART GALLERY, 香港,2015) 、聯展《HIDDEN BODY》(AISHONANZUKA,香港,2017)及《存在思覺》(視覺藝術中心,香港,2015)。藝術家現居於香港。