Posts tagged 簡喬倩 Tobe KAN

由校友Leo Wong 策劃的籌款展覽【創作的未來】已於昨天開幕,展覽雲集18位本地藝術家的繪畫、雕塑及陶瓷作品。當中包括11位香港藝術學院校友。展期至1月16日(星期一)。萬勿錯過!

參展校友藝術家: 陳聃、香建峰、許劍豪、簡喬倩、林佑森、梁世潘、梁祖彝、梁程萬、姚志良、翁松江

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Tobe Kan Kiu Sin 簡喬倩 - John Batten

Tobe Kan Kiu Sin graduated from the Hong Kong Art School/RMIT University with a fine arts degree in 2017. It was a fortuitous education: she had previously applied to but was not accepted into Hong Kong’s two other established fine arts undergraduate programmes, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University’s Academy of Visual Arts. Undoubtedly, the art school’s programme was more suitable for her. Kan’s fellow students were not all fresh secondary school graduates, but similar to her: a bit more mature – she was born in 1984 – with some work experience and a thoughtful commitment to the self-financed study of visual art.

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Social Transformations

Social Transformations – An Exhibition Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School

The exhibition proudly celebrates the 20 years of partnership between RMIT University and the Hong Kong Art School (HKAS), with a focus on the social transformations it brings.

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