Posts tagged 馬琼珠 Ivy MA
字裡行間:在殘酷現實中找電幻中的第二人生 - 張煒森


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3藝術家大談鉛筆經 黑白灰線條 畫出香港變幻


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【世界隨意門.藝文開箱】馬玨(Ivy Ma)X 阿三.閱讀繪畫,觀看文學


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Ivy Ma's solo Poems, days, death @ Lumen Visum (Yang Yeung)

@ Ivy Ma's solo Poems, days, death @ Lumen Visum - Not long ago, a gallerist showed me the work of an artist on paper and said, "Doesn't her work make you excited?!" It was more an exclamation than a question, but I said Yes anyway. It was exciting for the gallerist for the artist's bold gestures that challenge authority head-on. I have no reason to dispute that, but thought, excitement might not be a good or reliable reason for getting closer to art/ works.

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ACO latest publication:《As Time Folds》

《As Time Folds》is a post-exhibition memoir of Ivy Ma Solo Exhibition held at ACO Art Space, now solely available at ACO. The book compiles of sketches by Ivy Ma, writings by Curator Evelyn Char and Art Critic/ Artist/ Writer Chan Sai Lok; alongside with two extracts from the forums held during the exhibition “The ‘Unspoken’of Ivy Ma──An interpretation by Longtin” and “When Body Intervenes into Material: Kurt Chan on Material, both within and beyond, in Ivy Ma”.

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等待景至 By the Window

Mixed media artist Ivy Ma not only focuses on her own artistic creation, she also teaches and curates. In January, she curated "By The Window", an exhibition showcasing the works of nine Hong Kong artists that explores the idea that a painting can be a window between the artist and the audience. The self-described “not-so-professional-curator” says, she came up with a more interactive way of getting the exhibition together.

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1. 工作室

我一直對一幅畫的生成非常感興趣。十多年前,培根(Francis Bacon) 的工作室被「移植重組」成陳列品,在都柏林美術館展出,我看過後印象深刻。之後我便認為工作室的種種硬件,以及畫家如何使用這空間,其日常性、勞動的模式及由此衍生的心理狀態等,這都跟畫家最後完成的畫作,有著微妙的密切關係…

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Social Transformations

Social Transformations – An Exhibition Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School

The exhibition proudly celebrates the 20 years of partnership between RMIT University and the Hong Kong Art School (HKAS), with a focus on the social transformations it brings.

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