Master of Fine Art Grad Show (2013) - Octet
to Sep 23

Master of Fine Art Grad Show (2013) - Octet


7 Sep - 23 Sep 2013

Pao Galleries Hong Kong Arts Centre

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Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Grad Show (2013) - Alpha to Infinity
to Jul 28

Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Grad Show (2013) - Alpha to Infinity



展示各位畢業生如何透過多元的媒介將種子注入新的創作意念,賦予種子的活力生命。當種子被播下,藝術家的人生歷程和經驗,使這顆種子萌芽、轉化並發展,最後或開花或結果或凋謝。透過這創作歴程而長成,集體的意念匯集創作不同媒介包括繪畫、陶藝、攝影、雕塑和多媒體裝置藝術的畢業作品。經過三年的學習,在我們的創作路上,同樣會遇到瓶頸或放下原有構思,開始新方向的時候。舊有的意念並不會白白浪費,因為凋謝枯萎的枝葉,都是下一個創作豐富的營養,是另一個循環的開始,繼而生生不息。藉此次展覽將這些不同種子所結之果呈現各位畢業生新穎的創作意念及細膩的情感表白。 ​



The annual signature exhibition at the bachelor degree level in Hong Kong, the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Graduation Exhibition 2013 jointly presented by the Hong Kong Art School and the RMIT University will open this year from 6 July onwards for three weeks. 50 announced graduates majoring in Painting, Ceramics, Photography and Sculpture will be showcasing their graduation works in this annual signature exhibition from 6th July to 28th July, 2013 at Pao Gallery, Hong Kong Art Center, Wai Chai.

Alpha to Infinityis the title of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (Hong Kong Campus) Graduation Exhibition 2013, projects a beautiful scenery when a seed is being planted into the soil, when there is rain, sunshine or wind, it will adapt to the environment and grow, transform, develop with green leaves, strong stems and as time goes by, we may have a lush forest as the fruitful result. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet; it also bears the value of 1.In English, the noun Alpha is used as a synonym for "Beginning". From "Alpha to Infinity", we take plants as a metaphor, with the input of our creativity to the seed of art; it will eventually grows into a powerful tree or blossoms as the most beautiful flower.

This exhibition is not only the harvesting moment of our fruitful studies, but also showcase our creativities, diverse artistic and aesthetic experiences in fine art including painting, ceramics, photography, sculpture and installation during our three years study. Every graduate will be expressing how to bring up the tiny seed at the beginning, while at the end it harvests into infinity from the exhibition. It sounds like a never ending cycle, and now we are having a brand new start.

Graduation Exhibition Committee  2013​

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《白噪聲》 disturbances
to Mar 28

《白噪聲》 disturbances



9 - 28 March 2013

Gallery EXIT is pleased to present "disturbances", a group exhibition with works by Casper Hiu Kwan CHAN, Szelit CHEUNG, Elva LAI, Firenze LAI, LING Pui Sze, Lulu NGIE and TANG Kwok Hin.

The exhibition exposes the viewer to a surreal world where control paradigms, plans and structures are put into jeopardy. What is left is an acceptance to chaos, an acknowledgment of our incapability of becoming a "Body Without Organs" (Deleuze and Guattari, "A Thousand Plateaus").

Society, with its values and all the arbitrary and unnatural binary structures of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age etc., inhibit us from an uncontrolled, ungoverned, spontaneous existence. From the moment we come into being, we introject these ethics into the construct of an artificial fabricated personality. As Deleuze puts it, society is a hierarchical organism, where everybody is one part of an economic infrastructure without any space for free will, variety or identity.

The works on view proclaim the possibility of a failure; the paradox of fighting against a status quo that could never be defeated. They delve into the friction that is created when the innate idea of the self tries to challenge the artifice of a socially acquired personality. In a convergence of multimedia works, "disturbances" will reveal the emergence of social and personal disturbances in a display of corruption of the mind, alienation, perversion and madness.

The ethereal figures in paintings by Lulu NGIE are situated in a place of quiet contemplation. Their inaction does not build any specific narration but suggests the aftermath of an inner conflict. They seem to be dissolving within their quivering outlines and embody a sense of alienated solitude as they come to terms with an inner world that is better left undisturbed. The withering souls portray quietude of the mind, a stillness born in a state of confusion.

A pair of paintings by Elva Lai describes different kinds of mental resistance against the rigid systematic society. "The Fear of Perfect Order" depicts a large white sterile room with rows of small faceless figures walking on balls. They are consumed and agonised by their effort to maintain equilibrium. By means of turbulent brushstrokes, the painting reveals mental fragility and apprehension. "Room" with inverted colouration provides a more optimistic antidote. Wondering weightless beings occupy the floor of a colossal somber interior. Each of their heads is illuminated by a tiny source of light. Dim as they are, collectively they create a beautiful, consoling landscape. Light appears to provide hope for the spirit and aspirations in the midst of struggle.


Gallery EXIT安全口畫廊呈獻《白噪聲》。參展藝術家包括:






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